The Hesitant Queen

Anoint Yourself, Girl This is not a drill! This is, in fact, your coronation day. Your tiara is polished, and your subjects await this anticipated regal appointment. You are the protector of your realm. You are the figurehead of your nation. This, of course, is an analogy. And I present the question: Why are you […]

Do you have plans?

It is December and most of us are feverishly focused on this last part of the year and all the details of the holidays that come with it. Family getting together, travel arrangements, gatherings, and celebrations, holiday meals, and the proverbial gift list. I would like to ask for just a moment of your time […]

Boundaries and the Sincere Soul Blueprint

The term boundaries is overused and is too limited for the intricate way I wish to convey the separateness, yet relatedness of the true self for purposes of healing self love and self worth. So, today I’m coining a new phrase to help define the self. My new term is the Sincere Soul Blueprint. blue•print […]

Our Shrinking Boundaries

So let’s talk about how our boundaries shrink by relationship today. Let me set the scene; we decide we need to unwind and head to the local bar. We are having a cold beer and listening to a band. A very drunk man at the bar steps over to our table to talk to you. […]

Boundaries – what are they and why do we need them?

So I had a different topic slated for June, but with a series of unfortunate events, I decided we all needed to dive more into boundaries. Do any of the following statements resonate with you? I feel a little aggrieved at times with others, especially when they’re taking advantage.  I do so much for others […]

I want to change. Now what?

Did you take a spin at the Level 10 life printable? Realize there are a few aspects of your life that need to be improved? “Where do I start?” “Should I change all my habits tomorrow” “Should I pick up a process to streamline my……, but will it take months to implement and learn?” “What […]