The New Year often prompts optimistic thoughts and commitments to make the year even better than the last. Gym memberships triple, Instagram photos of gym selfies and adorable plated portions of chicken spam my feeds. Yet, by February we regret our goals or completely give them up. I recommend four simple ways to get started with a bang and keep the momentum going past January. You can start today and see the results right away. Contact me if you would like some support along the way. As you know, when we decide to challenge ourselves to kick up to a new level, we often need a coach. I would love to be on your team! Here is how to take the first step in the BACK ON TRACK program:
Remind yourself that YOU are the CEO of your life! No one else can be you or oversee your life without your permission. So, now is the time to determine how to be your own boss. Start to notice ways that you create your own life, who you are, and whether you show up for the game or not. The decisions you make moment-by-moment count for something, so now is the time to determine that you are in charge of those. How do we do that?
It is how we think about ourselves. It is that internal monolog we hear daily. If you think you are a loser and that you will always be on the short end of things, guess what? You will disappoint yourself and others every time. When that inner voice is negative, we not only send out those vibes and manifest those negative situations back we make decisions that will have negative consequences. When bad things happen to us it falls into a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Picture it:
Your inner voice plays a negative soundtrack when items relating to intelligence are at the forefront of your mind. “You’re stupid. You will never pass that test.” There is a big certification test happening this Friday at work. Negative self-talk has already added to your stress. As your anxiety levels increase, your frustration and anger levels increase each day. You decide not to study because you are too dumb and will not pass anyway. When Thursday night rolls around you feel physically sick and unable to sleep. Since you were unable to sleep, you are late to work Friday. You rush to take the test. Not only do you fail the test, but this is also the tenth time being late to work. HR is at your desk letting you go. You knew it! You were too stupid to pass the test and so stupid you couldn’t even get to work on time. You saw this coming from the day you applied here.
Now Stop, back up, let’s get back on track.
Your inner voice plays a negative soundtrack when items relating to intelligence are at the forefront of your mind. “You’re stupid. You will never pass that test.” There is a big certification test happening this Friday at work. Negative self-talk has already added to your stress. As your anxiety levels increase, your frustration and anger levels increase each day. You reach out to a positive friend, co-worker, or life coach. They pump you up. “You have been doing this job for six months, you will ace the certification test!” Each evening your accountability partner checks in with you. You read a few test questions and relax into a casual conversation; you laugh and enjoy your time talking to your accountability partner. Your stress level stays moderate. You will be able to sleep Thursday night. Friday morning is here, you are nervous but feel rested. You take the certification test. You passed and received a nice little raise as well. You did it! You saw that you were going to take a well-worn negative path that manifests negativity. You’ve got to get back on track for a more fulfilling and positive outcome.
The way we think or talk about ourselves matters. What we say often materializes into something, either for growth or for shrinking.
How can we release that negative soundtrack?
We can start with positive affirmations and a simple focus charm. The mind is open to suggestions, especially the subconscious. Most of the time we censor any suggestions according to the model, but one way to break through the censor is with repetition. We use positive affirmation statements that can affect your model. If there are some qualities you wish to change or develop within yourself, an affirmation is ideal. Repeat it several times every day at several different times throughout the day, especially when you go to bed. Affirm who you are, instead of criticizing and putting yourself down. Tell yourself how capable, attractive, and smart you are. Affirmations are subtle and may require a few months of work.
A simple focus charm can be anything. I suggest a small item that can either be worn or kept in a pocket, like a ring, necklace charm, stone, or coin. Connect the focus charm to your affirmation by simply holding the charm every time you say your affirmation. You can make it more complex if you desire.
Additional focus charms ideas. You can:
- Wash your focus charm to remove any past negative thoughts. Visualize those negative thoughts flowing down the drain and out of your life.
- Dab a drop of essential oil on your charm. Make sure it will not damage your charm. Combining a fragrance intensifies the emotional response of your affirmation.
Social Issues Research Centre (n.d.), “The association of fragrance and emotion is tied to our olfactory receptors which are directly connected to the limbic system. The most ancient and primitive part of the brain, which is thought to be the seat of emotion. Smell sensations are relayed to the cortex, where cognitive recognition occurs. Only after the deepest parts of our brains have been stimulated. Thus, by the time we correctly name a particular scent as, for example, “vanilla”, the scent has already activated the limbic system, triggering more deep-seated emotional responses.” (pg. 2).
Just like when you smell cloves, your memories whisk you back to sitting at grandma’s kitchen table watching her make gingerbread men for Christmas. You smile and fondly think about all the special moments you two shared. You are brought back to the present standing in line at the grocery store. Your toddler spilled a box of gingerbread cookies, your teenager is sulking around the corner, the cashier is staring at you and you were embarrassed and could feel your face heat up. However, those feelings have passed. You ask the cashier for a broom, hand it off to your teenager to sweep up the mess while you unload your cart. The smell of cloves triggered an emotional response.
Every time you state your affirmation you are changing your internal soundtrack. When you add a focus charm and a fragrance you are manifesting positive change on a subconscious, emotional and physical level. Once you start adding affirmations to your day you will bring more positivity into your life, and get back on track.
Happy New Year!
What is your affirmation?
Mine this month is “I set boundaries and respect them”. My personal charm is a hair tie with a drop of orange essential oil on it.
Manifest in the Midwest
Social Issues Research Centre. (n.d.). The Smell Report – Emotion. Retrieved February 15, 2021, from